The Simplest of Tricks to Further Enable Qlikview Interactive Infographics. (*Still requires common sense)

Infographics; the thorniest subject in the world of data viz: are they art, are they telling the truth, do they have a use, do they engage the viewer, do they serve an agenda over the truth, or are they just for trendy media types etc. Reading many of the related blogs and articles out there … Continue reading

The Indexed Time Series Chart – The Forgotten Technique (At Least by Most Qlikview Developers)

I really should have posted about Indexed Charts earlier as they’re something I’ve long wanted to promote in the Qlikview world and always wondered why I’ve never before seen them deployed; with the right data they’re nigh on essential to deliver the insight users need. Why are Indexed Line Charts so useful, surely a normal … Continue reading

Qlikview Shared Dimension Charts a la Tableau (*With FREE Multi-Expression Trellis Chart!)

As promised in my recent ‘Upcoming Chart Types Inspired by Tableau’ post this is a detailed ‘How To’ for one of the shown chart types / techniques; displaying several charts with a shared Dimension. The original post can be seen here: I’m sure a good number of you will already know how to do … Continue reading